So, I have to admit when I first saw the feather craze I jumped on it. They are a cute non premanent way to add some fun to your hair. They have been very popular lately! You can't go anywhere without seeing people of all ages wearing these fun fashion statements.
It wasn't until recently, when I saw an article on PETA that I realized the truth about feather extensions. Fist of all, they are from 100% REAL roosters genetically altered to produce long luxurious saddle feathers (these grow on they're backside and take YEARS to grow). After they are grown, the roosters are de-feathered and killed!
I would have never imagined they killed these roosters just for the feathers! This made me realize we need to find another way to keep clients happy but find a different way to provide feather-like pieces that give the same look without the cruelty.
So my boss Pam found alternative feathers which are hair extensions colored to look like feathers. Another great thing about these are that they are MUCH longer then the real feathers so it makes even more of a statement then the original feathers! They are $15 each and can be re-worn about 3 times.
They come in many different colors! I am currently wearing the black and white striped one made to look like a natural feather.
The next thing I would really like to try is rainbow extensions!
So as you can see, no roosters have to be killed to keep you looking fun this summer!